Exploring the Potential Revival of E-Sabong

The discussion around the revival of e-sabong, or online cockfighting, in the Philippines brings to light several potential benefits. The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) is considering a comeback for this industry, focusing on how it can be better managed and regulated. This blog delves into the positive aspects of reintroducing e-sabong, emphasizing economic and regulatory improvements.

Boosting Economic Growth With Traditional Filipino Sports

E-sabong previously generated over P6 billion annually, contributing significantly to various governmental programs. Revenues supported the National Treasury, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and other essential services. Reviving this industry could provide a substantial boost to the economy, offering much-needed funds for national development.

Enhancing Regulation Of Online Sabong Operations

PAGCOR is exploring new frameworks to ensure that e-sabong is conducted responsibly. With improved guidelines, the industry could minimize previous issues and operate more transparently and ethically. A structured, well-regulated approach can safeguard participants while maximizing benefits.

Addressing Illegal Sabong Operations

Illegal e-sabong persists despite the ban, leading to unregulated activities that provide no revenue to the government. By reviving and regulating the industry, authorities can curb these illegal operations, ensuring that activities are conducted legally and safely while generating income for public use.

Supporting Public Programs

Revenue from e-sabong can be channeled into vital public programs, including health, sports, and renewable energy initiatives. This potential funding could enhance various sectors, contributing to broader societal benefits and improvements.

Future Prospects

The prospect of reviving e-sabong involves thoughtful consideration and collaboration with lawmakers. With a focus on establishing a robust regulatory framework, the industry can be a source of economic growth while ensuring participant welfare.


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